Confronting Outdated Coaching Methods
Are you stuck with a coach who hasn’t updated their training methods in decades? This issue, often encountered in competitive sports, isn’t necessarily about the coach’s age but their reluctance to embrace modern training techniques. Whether they’ve been coaching for 30 years or just repeating what they were taught, the need for contemporary methods is crucial.
Navigating Change with Your Coach
The first step in addressing this is to differentiate the roles of a head coach and a strength and conditioning (S&C) coach. The head coach focuses on the sport’s skills and tactics, while the S&C coach concentrates on physical preparation. This distinction can help open a dialogue about incorporating updated training methods without directly challenging the head coach’s expertise.
Leveraging Advanced Physical Preparation Techniques
The field of physical preparation has advanced significantly, employing technical equipment and data analysis to tailor training to individual needs. For instance, an optical player tracking system in soccer can provide detailed data on players’ movements, enabling customised training plans based on position-specific demands. Similar approaches are used in rugby to analyse collision frequencies and tailor training accordingly.
Using Data to Challenge Traditional Training Notions
Modern S&C approaches can challenge traditional training beliefs, like the misconception that athletes can’t handle double-session training days. Chemical markers of fatigue can show that athletes are capable of more than what is traditionally believed, allowing for increased training loads and more effective workouts.
Implementing Modern S&C in Various Settings
Not all teams have the budget or resources to implement these advanced methods. That’s where MFT trainers come in. We specialise in providing sport-specific S&C support, aligning with the coach’s goals while introducing modern techniques. We offer pre-training physical preparation or separate sessions to train athletes effectively.
Staying Ahead with MFT
Strength and conditioning is an ever-evolving science, and staying updated is crucial for optimal performance. At MFT, we are equipped with the latest knowledge and techniques to support your team’s growth and success.
References for Further Exploration
Mara JK, Thompson KG, Pumpa KL, Morgan S. “Quantifying high-speed running in elite female soccer players.” Optical Player Tracking System study.
Lindsay A, Draper N, Lewis J, Gieseg SP, Gill N. “Positional demands of professional rugby.” Eur J Sport Sci.
Johnston MJ, Cook CJ, Drake D, Costley L, Johnston JP. “Neuromuscular, Biochemical, and Endocrine Responses in Elite Athletes.” Single vs. Double-Session Training Day study.
Soriano MA, Suchomel TJ, Marín PJ. “Optimal Load for Maximal Power in Upper-Body Exercises.” Meta-Analysis on exercise loads.